6 Intentions for 2022

Happy New Year! We are just a few days into 2022 and I feel excited and hopeful for what’s to come. If you’re not feeling as pumped or optimistic, I understand. We’re still in a global pandemic and it can be much harder to be hopeful. Remember though, where your attention goes, energy flows. There’s a lot happening that we don’t have control over, and I agree it can feel a bit defeating looking at the state of the world, but you do have control over your mind and your energy. 

I’ll always try to keep it real but also spread joy and love because there’s enough hate going around. 

As I closed out 2021, I reflected on the year and I read old journals. I highly recommend if you have the time and the emotional capacity, to read past journals. I experienced the entire spectrum of emotions in the past year, highs and lows but it was remarkable to read how much growth I experienced in just one year. There are also so many tiny memories that we can easily forget, so keeping a daily journal helps us revisit old memories that could have been forgotten. 

I wrote down 25 lessons I learned in 2021, and from that list I pulled 6 that I want to bring with me into the New Year. Honestly, I’m probably bringing all 25 but I want to give a little more attention to these 6 and I think you can benefit from this list as well.

6 Intentions for 2022:

*in no particular order*

(1) True happiness and prosperity begins with healing & loving myself; no one can knock on a door that doesn’t exist

My word for 2022 is LOVE. I believe self-love is a continuous journey, but it is arguably one of the most important ones that we can embark on in our lives. When you love yourself and focus on healing, you’re untouchable.

It brings me to a quote I heard in 2021 that I’ll never forget, “no one can knock on a door that doesn’t exist.” Essentially, no one can push a button inside of you or trigger something that is no longer a trigger for you. THAT’s the work that is life-changing and what makes you untouchable. It helps us reclaim our power and be in charge of our happiness. It puts you in the driver’s seat of your life. 

(2) Trust and follow my intuition; listen more carefully to my inner guide 

How often do you find yourself second-guessing your gut? Or saying I don’t know? It’s probably quite often if you don’t tap into or trust your intuition. We all sense our intuition differently, and one of the ways to listen more carefully is to understand how your intuition communicates with you. For me, it’s a feeling. I’ll get a feeling in my gut or in my heart that guides me towards a decision. For some, you may receive visual cues or hear a voice.

The thing is no matter how your intuition communicates with you, it’s helpful to tune in, trust it, and listen to it. We have so much more wisdom inside of us than we give ourselves credit for. One of the most gratifying things as a coach is to help a client discover the answers that already live inside of them. The more you trust yourself, the more you’ll listen to your intuition when it’s guiding you because not everyone around you knows what’s best for you. 

Shaina Joi

photo by Theik Smith

(3) Celebrate myself, receive compliments with open arms, and focus on what I have. Gratitude is the greatest form of receivership

It’s so powerful to focus more on what you have than what you lack. This year I want to continue celebrating myself for even the smallest of wins because they matter and taking in the good things people say about me. It’s a beautiful thing, to be able to humbly and graciously receive compliments. If you find yourself struggling with compliments, reflect on if you believe the things people are saying to be true. If you struggle with believing the compliments, then chances are it will be hard to receive them.

Also, gratitude! I found myself waking up every morning in December with so much gratitude it was heart-warming. It didn’t mean that everything was going perfectly in my life, but I choose to shift my attention and remember everything that I did have and it felt great. It helped me to wake up energized, happy and fulfilled before my day even started. Starting the day with that feel-good energy helped me start the day on a good foot and be more resilient to things throughout the day that didn’t feel so good. This year every day, I encourage you to say out loud what you’re grateful for. Put those good vibes into the universe!

(4) There is power in speaking things out loud and getting my thoughts onto paper 

Well, that took me to my next one! Speak things out loud and get ideas out of my mind. It’s powerful to keep a journal and flush things out of your mind and onto paper. This year, I want you to take it to the next level by reading them out loud. It can be vulnerable but therapeutic to read journal entries out loud and give your thoughts a voice. This also goes for the goals or ideas you store deep inside of you that you may be afraid to let come to the surface. Don’t keep your future self as a prisoner inside of you because you’re too scared to say what you want out loud. I promise it will feel damn good to say.

Last year, when I hosted my first virtual workshop, D.R.E.A.M 2022 (don’t worry more to come in 2022), it started as a vague idea in my head. I had no idea what it could look like but I gave myself permission to say it out loud and write it down. From there I was able to bring it to fruition; that wouldn’t have happened if I kept it inside.

(5) Release fear and embrace possibility. I want to have incomprehensible belief even before I see the results

The “D” for my DREAM workshop was “discover what’s possible.” I want to embrace possibility this year and release fear because my best self isn’t created from a place of fear. My focus is on my beliefs and strengthening what I believe is possible for myself. I too have that inner voice sometimes that likes to chime in to say “hey I don’t know if that thing you want to do is possible.”

I am planning to work with my own coach at the end of the month to dive deeper into what blocks I may still be holding onto and release them to get to my next level. Because when I believe those things, it holds me back from receiving what I want. I want you to have incomprehensible belief this year. I want you to believe it’s possible and show up like it’s already done because it is.

(6) The process and the journey are the prizes; the destination is extra 

One of my favorite quotes that I read on IG last year was “the process is the prize.”
I always try to remember that when I’m getting impatient reaching my goals. I heard Jay Shetty say the other day on his podcast, “If we can’t appreciate where we are, we can’t appreciate where we desire to get to.” Say that one again out loud! It’s easy to get fixated on where we want to be and offset our happiness and feel good until we get there, but then we’re waiting to be happy.

Plus, what he’s saying is that if you’re not happy now chances are you won’t be happy when you get what you want. Or you will be but it’ll be temporary. It can feel good to chase happiness because we enjoy the chase and it deflects the need to do the work on ourselves at the moment. What can you do to enjoy the journey more? What are you learning along the way that will help you when you reach your next level? 

This past year my biggest accomplishments, were not in my finances or even my career, besides starting my business, but it was the work I did on myself. The process of becoming the best version of myself, loving myself, releasing fear and self-judgments, and choosing my happiness is the prize. 

I hope you can take one or all of these intentions into the new year. I’m excited for all that you will accomplish this year and the person

“Attention energizes.  Intention transforms. -Deepak Chopra

Cheers to a year of love, ease, genuine connections, and new beginnings!

Want to work with me this year? Schedule a call here!


What does it mean to DREAM? 5 Simple Steps That Will Impact Your Year


What would the best case scenario look like for you?