Indecisiveness is a Decision- 12 Ways To Be Less Indecisive

How often do you find yourself saying “I don’t know” or feeling so overwhelmed that you don’t do anything at all?

Let me paint a picture- it’s a New Year. Your head is buzzing with creative ideas for content or choreography. You’re inspired by the people around you, listening to podcasts, reading books, watching videos, and gathering information from any and everywhere you can. You have the tools. You have the experience. Heck, you even have a vision for what you want to do or create but there’s SO much buzzing in your head you feel stuck and overwhelmed. You resort to the comfortable place of saying “I don’t know” even though you do know and you begin to procrastinate. After a bit, things get too overwhelming and you say F it and you do nothing at all. 

I feel this way sometimes with putting out my own content, so I’ll be honest and say I’m speaking from my own experience. 

The thing is no action is action. Not making a decision and choosing to do nothing at all is a decision. Now, what I want to help you clarify is, is this an intentional decision? Are you intentionally choosing to do nothing and do you feel good about that decision? Or is it a consequence of being indecisive and it actually doesn’t feel good or aligned? 

Sometimes it may be helpful to pause and do nothing to reassess what we want and what’s the next best move. Other times it can hold us back especially if we stay there too long. 

Let me paint another picture- You have this great idea. You start to see others in a similar field putting out their ideas and you begin to question your own. Is it good enough? Am I competent or smart enough to share this? Am I talented enough? Will people even care about this?

We start to doubt ourselves and our abilities, which makes us hesitate from taking the next step and discerning what’s best for us. The “I don’t know” comes from us not trusting ourselves and our abilities. We may even be scared to fail, start small, or make a mistake.

So once again, you make the choice to do nothing. Or you might second-guess yourself. 

How aligned is that choice of inaction with your vision? 

How aligned is that choice with the highest version of yourself? 

We can be aware of when we are itching towards indecisiveness and inaction, and we can intentionally shift gears so we can make decisions that best serve us.

Here are 12 simple ways to be less indecisive:

(1) Trust Your Intuition- trust your gut and your initial instinct before you begin second-guessing yourself. What was the first thing your heart told you to do? Now, you may evaluate this instinct some more, but the first step is to listen to it. When in the past have you listened to your gut and it helped you make the best decision? 

(2) Detach Your Self-Worth From the Outcome- your self-worth is not attached to the outcome of your decision. Detach your happiness and well-being from the outcome of your decision. You are not more worthy or deserving because of this decision. When you can find happiness and peace internally, you won’t need to chase it from something that lives outside of you.

(3) Be Open to All the Possibilities- being open is one of the best things you can do for yourself. We can’t predict the future, so being open and having the mindset that you can learn and grow from any experience will help you not fear making the wrong choice. 

(4) Be Clear on your Vision- What’s the bigger picture? This decision may be one of many that will help you bring your bigger vision to fruition. Having more clarity may help you make a decision or realize you don’t have to put so much pressure on yourself for this small piece in a bigger puzzle. 

(5) Let Go Of the Fear of Making a Mistake- what if I told you that you couldn’t make a mistake and every experience was an opportunity for growth? Would you believe me? When you lead with that mindset, you release the need to get it right. No matter what choice you make it will teach you something. It may propel you closer to your goal or help you learn what to do differently. The fear of making a mistake will place you in inaction, which doesn’t help you make any progress. 

(6) Be Uncomfortable- welcome and be open to being uncomfortable. You will be stretched and challenged to step outside of your comfort zone and that is okay. 

(7) Write it Down- write down what you are trying to achieve and the choices you are considering between. This helps to get them out of your head and now you can see them in front of you. 

(8) Be Curious- ask yourself questions that will help move the needle forward. What’s stopping you from making a decision? When in the past have you had a similar roadblock and overcome it? Why aren’t you trusting your gut?

(9) Build your Confidence- be confident that you can trust yourself to make the best choice. Rely on your gifts, strengths, experience, wisdom, expertise, etc to discern what is best. 

(10) Don’t Rush/ Be Impulsive- breathe, pause, and give yourself time. If you are on a time crunch, go through this list and see the areas that you can pull on to help you make this decision. 

(11) Ask for Help- ask for help from your community, a coach, or a mentor. We don’t have to do it all on our own and people who support us want to help. You can still discern if it’s best for you, but it helps to seek guidance.

(12) Don’t Overthink It- lastly, don’t overthink it! The more you overthink, the less you may trust your gut instinct. If you’re in the trenches of overthinking, take a break, breathe, meditate, do something else and come back to it with a clear head. 

In 2022, I vow that you will be more decisive in your life because it’s your life! Give yourself more credit for being able to discern what’s best for you. You got this! I’m claiming clarity, abundance, and success over you. 

Click here to schedule a free discovery call. 

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