4 Ways to Live to Your Fullest Potential

How often do you find yourself questioning if you are living up to your fullest potential? It might feel daunting and overwhelming to have constant fears and doubts of not achieving the image that you have in your head. 

We use the phrase “fullest potential” so often, but what does it really mean?

According to the dictionary, potential means unrealized ability. In other words, not using your gifts, talents, and strengths. 

I believe living to our fullest potential is a state of being not simply an end goal. It’s doing our best everyday, owning what we were given and honed over the years, and using it to build a career or fulfill a hobby.

Here are 4 ways to help you live to your fullest potential: 

(1) Have a Vision 

Do you know where you desire to go? Or what you are using your abilities/gifts/talents to do or create?

Have a vision for what you want and define what success means to you. Having a vision allows you to create a clear picture of what you are working towards. 

Exercise: Close your eyes and imagine where you want to be 1 year from now (time period is your choice). What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you?

Tip- Dream BIG. When you are creating a vision for your life, try not to limit yourself with self- doubt and fear. Imagine exactly what you desire, make it big, scary and audacious, and then once you’ve gotten it out of your head you can plan a way to make it happen. Take it one step at a time. The vision shouldn’t overwhelm you with what’s not possible; I want it to empower and inspire you for what is. 


(2) Believe It

Now that you have a vision of what you want and working towards, you have to believe it’s possible for you, believe you are worthy of it, and be opening to receiving it. 

Be honest with yourself on this one. Do you truly believe what you desire is possible for you?

If your desires are disconnected from your beliefs, your mind will find ways to keep you small and move in fear.  You might feel the pressure to live to your fullest potential, but feel stuck in your thoughts that are holding you back. 

“I’m not good enough.” “I’m not capable of that.” If you believe those thoughts to be true, you will take actions in line with it. You won’t go after your dreams. You won’t be courageous. What is it costing you to not believe in yourself?

(3)Tap Into the Source

When’s the last time you asked for guidance on your purpose or assignment from your Creator or the Universe? I’m a woman of faith, so God guides my path, and despite what you believe in, we all are spiritually grounded in something bigger than ourselves.

Often we depend on our own power and wisdom, but we were not meant to do it alone. Ask for help and open your heart and mind to receiving it. 

Everyday I say this prayer: God thank you for today, show me the way. 

(4) Be Intentional

Be intentional about your days. What are you working on everyday to help you manifest the vision that you created?

Start with 3 tasks that you aim to accomplish daily. I’m a to-do list girl, so everyday I have a list of tasks to do to keep me focused and productive.

Your tasks can be big or small, but the key is to give everyday a purpose. Your purpose may be simply to get out of bed and make yourself a home-cooked meal. It may be to be kind and of service to those you interact with. It may be to work on a project for your business that you are passionate about because making an impact is important to you. 

I understand it can be overwhelming when it comes to finding our purpose. Truthfully, we can give anything a purpose and purposes can last for days or seasons. 

Here’s a bonus tip: Ask for help and invest in support. Invest in a coach (hey hey) or ask a mentor for guidance. Often, we need someone to objectively look at our situation and give us constructive feedback or solutions on how to get to where we want to go. 

In order to reach your “fullest potential” you have to know where you are heading/working towards, believe it’s possible, ask for your guidance from your Creator and coaches/mentors, and be intentional/disciplined about making it happen.

“Don’t settle for mediocrity when you are destined for greatness.”

I hope this list helps you find more clarity in living to your fullest potential. You have the power to make any necessary shifts in your life to make these 4 tips happen.

More than anything, I want you to believe it’s possible. So much can happen for you when you believe that it’s possible.


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