5 Ways to Step into Your Next Level

First things first, Happy Black History Month! This month and every month I celebrate Black joy and Black excellence. I am proud to be a Black woman and honored to have a business and a platform that allows me to shine as my authentic self. I desire to inspire people to become the best versions of themselves and live authentically as they are. We all deserve to be our full selves. If you’re reading this, I hope you believe and know that! If you’re looking for ways to step into your next level, make a change in your life, or take a leap…keep reading.


Have you ever found yourself looking over a cliff, knowing it’s time to jump, knowing you’ll be supported, but you still find yourself terrified to make the leap? Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating this a bit. 

I don’t know how many of us have gone bungee-jumping or dove off of a rock into the ocean. But, I want you to picture it right now. 

Picture yourself at the top of a massive rock, the wind is blowing past your cheeks and the sweet, luring smell of safety is caressing your nose. Now, below you is an ocean of possibilities and new beginnings. It’s the start of something you’ve always wanted to do, a change you’ve been itching to make, a part of you that’s been kicking and screaming to be released. You know it’s time to take the leap, but you feel anxious and unsure. 

Should I keep the analogies or do you catch my drift?

I think you get where I’m going with this. It’s natural to feel scared and uncertain when we first think about making a change or taking a leap into new territory. But, you don’t have to stay stuck in that place. You have the tools, experience, resources, and support to choose courage over fear. You can do this, but in case you still need some motivation keep reading. 

For the sake of this post, I’m going to choose a hypothetical scenario to help paint the picture. Let’s say you want to start creating content to share with your audience (feel free to swap content for whatever you’re working on- building a team, landing your dream role, releasing music, starting a business, switching careers). The logistics may be different but the mindset is the same. 

take the leap group coaching program

1- Set Yourself Up For Success

Have you set yourself up for success to create and share content? What does this mean? Get clarity on what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and what habits and routines will help you consistently show up. 

Lack of vision and mission will lead you down a murky rabbit hole of confusion and misalignment. Why do you want to create content? What is your mission for creating content? You want to be aligned with your why because it will help you create meaningful content and it will help you stay consistent even when you don’t want to.

Also, take a look at your day-to-day routines and activities. Are you devoting your time and energy to the things that matter most? Take a look at your calendar and the way you plan your days and see if you’re making time to create meaningful content (plus all the steps it takes to do that). 

Take inventory of the habits that are delaying or distracting. Are you procrastinating, making excuses, or failing to create healthy boundaries. This is not meant to be an attack, but I do want you to be honest with areas that you can improve. For many of us, the problem is time- if time is an issue. Still take inventory of where your time is going and pockets of time that you can consciously devote to doing what’s important.

Start here- what’s one baby step or habit that you can do every day that will help set you up for success? 

2- Stop Saying You Can’t

Growing up I remember my dance teachers would prohibit us from saying can’t. If it slipped out, we had to do 10 push-ups. (hmmmm looking back is that problematic?!) It may be, but it did bring my awareness from an early age to the power of saying “I can’t.” 

One, many of us tend to unconsciously say “I can’t” even though we absolutely can. Stop playing yourself! You and I both know that you can do it and you have all the experience and knowledge to do it! Whether it’s glimpses of imposter syndrome or doubts creeping in, check your receipts and remember that you can. Yes, you can create content and yes you will attract the right people who will be inspired by your message.

On the other hand, sometimes we’ve never done it before or we aren’t highly skilled in that area. It doesn’t mean that you cannot learn or hire help! We’re not going to be phenomenal at everything, especially new endeavors, and that is okay. There are so many resources available for us to learn. Also, hire help! We all have strengths and weaknesses. Continue to work in your zone of genius and hire/delegate tasks to others who are more skilled in the area that you desire help in!

3- Always Be A Student 

We have never fully arrived and learned everything that we’ll ever need to know. One of my values is curiosity because I love to learn and commit to my growth even if it’s 1% a day. So, remember even as an expert or professional in your field you are still a student of life. Learn from the people who have come before you or learn from people who inspire you. 

Also, release the limiting belief that you have to know everything to start. You will continue to learn on your journey and some of life’s best lessons come from experience. Listen to podcasts, read books, watch interviews, attend conferences- seek out the information that exists to help you thrive.

4- Just Start

There I said it, just start! We also cannot be information consumers our entire lives, so at some point, you have to press the green button and GO. There may be a million and one reasons in your mind why you’re not ready and truthfully you may never fully feel ready at the beginning. Just start anyway!! 

You’ll gain more clarity and confidence when you’re in momentum towards the vision. Start creating content and flexing the muscle of putting your ideas out into the world and things will start to fall into place. Chances are by the time you’re at this point, you’re already more ready than you think you are so just go for it.

As I said in my last blog post, courage exists in our day-to-day decisions. So, what’s one action item that you can take to help rip the bandaid off? Maybe it’s opening up google docs and writing out your ideas. Maybe it’s starting to record content that inspires you even if you don’t have a clear vision for how to use it yet. 

If you’ve been needing the extra push- I’m here to tell you to just start! It may feel scary but it’s also going to feel SO good. You owe it to yourself to follow through. 

5- Work with a Coach 

I can go on and on about why everyone could benefit from working with a coach. Many of you know, I offer 1:1 services and now I am introducing a new offer! Shameless plug here my friends, but this week I am launching my group coaching program designed for creatives and entrepreneurs who desire to make a difference and take their lives to the next level. This program focuses on giving you the space and the tools to find clarity in what you want, live in alignment with your purpose and feel-good, and build your confidence to love and trust yourself, your gifts, and soar to your next level. 

I created this program because I believe in mindset work, coaching, and the power of community. Coaching helps you get what you want and become the person you want to be, and community brings together like-minded individuals who desire to see each other succeed and thrive. It’s a win-win!

The first cohort begins this month on Monday, February 21st, so if you’re reading this before the start of the program you can learn more here.

Needless to say, I need you to get out of your head and take that leap. As you peer over the rock into your next level, please believe that you are capable, worthy, and deserving of taking that leap. You can do this and it’s time for you to do it!

Learn More About My Take the Leap Group Coaching Program


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